I created a template using photoshop and used this to guide the construction of my digipak. This ensures that each panel is the same time and that the folds all line up.
Background for both the front and the inside
Polaroid for the front cover
In order to connect the album cover to the video we have produced I decided to use a polaroid image on the cover, as this relates to the polaroid photo which Jonny looked at during the rain scene in our video. The use of polaroid also allowed me to use the white space at the bottom to write the artist name and album name; this could make it seem like a note he had written on a polaroid about his life. I also used a font which looks like hand writing as this can create a personal aspect to the album and could allow fans to feel a connection with him as the writing on the polaroid looks like it's been written by him. This also shows the focus on the simple natural things, which are conventional of alternative rock artists, as it suggests that there is no need for hyperbolic colours or fonts; hand writing is more natural.
Shape to put writing on, to make it stand out from the map background
In order to make the text for the track list and the thank you note from the artist to stand out from the map background I decided that I needed to use a shape or background for the writing. It was essential that this connects with the theme of freedom, travel and nature which the map shows in order to create cohesion between the components of the digipak. Therefore I chose to cut out a photo of a piece of paper which had been made to look old, as this connects to nature and could also represent the style of paper often relates to maps and travel.
Photos for the inside panels
On the inside of the digipak I decided to show aspects of Jono's life through smaller polaroid images. These are all photos which I personally have taken, however as the weather has been bad this winter I chose 2 photos from my holiday to french last summer, as these sunny and beautiful shots suggest that Jono has traveled a lot and has experienced many aspects of nature around the world. Some of the images were taken whilst we were out filming and show that he has been through relationships. These polaroids will provide an insight, and a visual representation, of what his songs are about.
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