Throughout my coursework new media technologies have been essential in allowing me to research, plan, create and evaluate my work. I have used iMovie to create a video about the technologies I have used and how they have helped me.
Photoshop and iMovie have been particularly useful for the creation of my work. Below I have demonstrated the ways that I have used them to develop my products.
I used photoshop to make the map slightly transparent and light in colour. I then edited the colour, saturation, exposure and brightness of my chosen photo of Jonny and used the quick select tool to cut out the section of the picture which I wanted to put on my advert. I then dragged the cut out image of Jonny on to the map and edited the size in order to fit an A4 page. Following this I opened the artist name font which I had also created using photoshop, and then used the text tool to write more detailed information. I used the quick select tool again to cut out an image of a star and inserted this on to my advert in order to create a star rating. Finally I found an image of the Twitter logo and edited the brightness in order to make it stand out; I then dragged this on to my advert, positioned it next to the artist's Twitter @.
The screen shots below demonstrate the ways in which iMovie has been a useful technology. The software allows me to not only order and time footage, but also enables me to edit the colour and speed of each shot and use transitions in order to show different connotations within each shot, fit with the conventions of the genre, and make the music video more appealing.
Overall new media technologies have been hugely useful throughout my project and have helped me create products to the best of my ability. Without the development of Web2.0 and the creating of technologies such as social networks, smart phones, and youtube, it would be difficult to target my video at the correct audience as a lot of my research and feedback was carried out through these and without them it my audience would struggle to find out about my music video. These Web2.0 technologies allow me to directly acces my target audience and have helped me access a wide audience through sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. In addition presentation technologies such as Prezi, Bubbl and Golgster have been very useful throughout my coursework as they have enabled me to explore ideas and present my research in an appealing way in order to make my blog more interesting and easy to understand.