Saturday, 27 October 2012

Filming Schedule 29th and 30th October

On Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th of October we plan on filming about half the shots for our music video. On Monday we are going to film between 10am and 2pm as this is when the weather will be most suitable for our chosen shots. Then on Tuesday we will film between 10am and 4pm as this will allow time to record the scenes (such as the couple sat on the sand dunes) which need to be filmed when the sun is setting. Below are the plans we made as to when we would film each set of shots...

Monday 29th:
Weather forecast - sun and cloud.
10am - Sidmouth - Jonny playing guitar in a field.
11.30am - Sidmouth - Experimenting with Jess and Tom's ice cream scene.
12.30pm - Sidmouth - Jess and Tom spending time together - the park and the beach.

Weather forecast - cloudy morning, then more sun later on in the day.
10am - Woodbury forest - Jess and Tom spending time together - hugging and holding hands; we also plan on experimenting with ideas such as throwing leaves around and having fun.
1pm - Exmouth beach - Jess and Tom walking along the beach, holding hands and hugging; we will also experiment with ideas such as writing in the sand and splashing in the water.
3pm - Exmouth dunes - Jess and Tom sat on the dunes wrapped in a blanket, we will film this from the front and behind.

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